So... here I go... again...

Nine pointed star


As I've approached my 56th birthday, I find that I've gone some twists, turns,  as well as some strange odysseys.  One that is stayed with me is the Baha'i Faith.  As I declared just before I turned  18, I was deliriously happy about it.  As I look back on it, I view it as a smiling neophyte.  I don't look back as some evil; I see it as a necessary passage.  When I was young(er), I viewed the Faith as a good monolith.  As I aged, I saw the Faith as more of a crystal.

I see the Faith all the more differently when you grew up as I did, as transgender; however, in 1982, I saw the Faith as much as a threat as I did a promise.  It's silly, really.  The Faith is much bigger than that.  It takes time though.

I'm not really a rah-rah type.  I guess I never was.  However, if you read the Writings in depth, (at least a month) you may find that the Faith is right for your path. (See Baha'i Library Online - stick to the primary sources)


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